László Moholy-Nagy
F.T. Marinetti
David Carson
Paula Scher

Kenya Hara
Ikko Tanaka
René Ricard
Grace Coddington

Malerei, Photographie, Film
László Moholy-Nagy

Thinking with Type
Ellen Lupton

Type Design:
Radical Innovations
& Experimentations

Teal Triggs

The Crystal Goblet
Beatrice Warde

Grid Systems: Principles
of Organizing Type

Kimberly Elam

Typographic Systems
Kimberly Elam

I make imaginative, elegant, typography-based Graphic Design
for print and digital media.

Most of my work has been for Music, Art, Design, Dance, and Fashion. Identity is paramount in graphic design, and it’s always my primary focus when beginning a new project.

I care deeply about words’ connotations, etymology, pronunciation, and how best to represent these elements in a visual medium.

To see my style inspirations, check out my art blog Sugarbeet.

T | +1. 917. 502. 3925.
E | nora.mckelvey@gmail.com